Thursday, 31 December 2015

Books that rock your world

Often times while writing a next novel and when I get stuck, I ponder 'What would Terry do?' or 'What would Douglas do?'
Not that I was on a first-name basis with Sir Terry Pratchett, or Douglas Adams, but it helped me greatly to think about how they would go about tackling difficult hurdles in story, plot, etcetera.

Usually, the answer - I think - is to just write improbable, illogical things and hope for the best that, later on in the story, you'll somehow find a way to make those things seem credible. :)
It's called Fiction for a reason, isn't it?

So here are some of my all-time favorite books that changed the way I look at the world:
  • "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series by Douglas Adams.
  • Pretty much every Discworld novel by Sir Terry Pratchett is high on the A+ list as well.
  • Christopher Moore's books like "Lamb" and "Fool" are also favorites of mine.
  • Let's not forget Neil Gaiman. Maybe his books - "Coraline" for instance - are not laugh-out-loud funny, but he really does know how to work that pen, doesn't he?
I think it's great to get inspired by other authors... become downright N°1 fans even. And I certainly am their fanboy.

How I love humorous fiction, especially when it's a bit wacky and when it has some otherworldly, magical flavours sprinkled over it... Those types of stories aren't always easy to find. Go to any (online) bookshop. You'll see what I mean.

That is why I decided to start writing those kind of stories myself. I got inspired. The world needs these entertaining stories. People desperately need to laugh more. That is why I set out to write them.
Watch me safe humanity. :)

- Jonen
novel writer of 'MINE LOOKS PURPLE' available at major online retailers.

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